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Swan Leisure, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Does It Hurt When You Move?
We Fix That!
Introducing Movement Mechanix @
Rathmines Chronic Pain & Sports Injury Clinic.
✅ Pain when walking, bending, lifting, or training?
✅ Struggling with an injury that just won’t go away?
✅ Tried rest, stretching or YouTube, but nothing is quite working?
🎯 Get a Clear, Step-by-Step Plan to Fix the Root Cause & Move Pain-Free.
In the past 12 months there has been a surge in people looking for knee pain treatment.
Chronic or sudden knee pain can be worring. A Google search of knee pain can add to the fear and worry.
You may have been told or read that:
Pain on the front of the knee can be due to bursitis, arthritis, or softening of the patella cartilage known as chondromalacia patella and patellafemoral knee pain. Pain on the sides of the knee is commonly related to injuries to the collateral ligaments, arthritis, or tears to the meniscus.
Pain in the back of the knee can be caused by arthritis or cysts, known as Baker’s cysts. Baker’s cysts are an accumulation of joint fluid (synovial fluid) that forms behind the knee.
General knee pain can be due to bursitis, arthritis, tears in the ligaments, or menisci, osteoarthritis of the joint, or infection. Instability, or giving way, is also another common knee problem. Instability is usually associated with damage or problems with the cartilage (meniscuses), collateral ligaments, or patella tracking.
Tendonitis is inflammation, irritation, and swelling of a tendon, which is the fibrous structure that joins muscle to bone. The pain often gets worse when going up and down stairs or inclines.
Tendonitis knee pain is common in runners, skiers, and cyclists.
But what if it wasn't these structures causing your knee pain or as serious as the above describes...……………?
Knee pain is easily ONE of the MOST COMMON problems people come see us for. Many people that come to see us for chronic or long standing knee pain have had an incomplete examination or only the knee looked at. Quite often knee problems are actually caused by issues at the hip or ankle - even if there is no pain in those areas!
Reasons why your Knee Pain is lasting longer than it should;
You've been told to 'rest' it
You've only been given painkillers or creams/rubs
You thought it would just go away
You've tried non-specific exercises from Google or YouTube
You've tried a few 'massages' or other non-specific treatments
You've had 'physio' before but you just didn't get the result you wanted
Too much movement or the wrong movement at the wrong time can lead to the development of knee pain. A full biomechanical and neuromuscular examination will help determine if your knee pain is caused by, or irritated by an alignment problem, tightness in the hips or previous old injuries to the foot or ankle.
When you come to see me, I'm going to give you and your body the time and attention it needs and deserves. Along with your knee, if there are restrictions in the hip or foot/ankle or the spine/core is disengaged, I will address these, making sure your body is running smoothly and nothing is getting in the way of long term knee health.
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